Public Art

Artsy Box Project 2023 “Pieced Together”


“Pieced Together” is a love letter to Franklin, a town that has given me so much and has inspired so many of my paintings. I was so grateful to be a part of this Artsy Box project. The design is a colorful happy look at springtime. The puzzle pieces coming together symbolize the community in Franklin and all the individuals that make up the whole. This project connected me with so many community members over my week of painting.

Trash To Treasure 2022

This was the first Public Art project I had the opportunity to be a part of. In “Hum of Bees in Spring” I wanted to show the beauty of a Massachusetts spring and the importance of polinators. The hawthorn tree is a symbol of love, beauty, and protection, all things worth spreading in art.


Replace Men With Flowers Series


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